The Public Art Committee (PAC) is responsible for developing a collection of public art that is of the highest quality, that encompasses a broad aesthetic range reflecting the City and its citizens, improves the quality of life in the area, accessible to all individuals, and is a source of pride to all residents. The Public Art Committee works to develop public art projects and the associated collections that become an integral part of the fabric of the City of Missoula. These projects reflect a broad range of input and involvement by artists, art professionals and organizations, businesses and residents.

The Public Art Committee is responsible for reviewing, advocating, and developing public art projects in the public spaces for the City of Missoula. It has developed a process to create, develop, and maintain public art as well as further public accessibility to the arts.


The Missoula Public Art Committee was formed in 1985 by Mayor John Toole as a committee designated to review, advocate and develop public art projects in the public spaces for the city of Missoula. It was reaffirmed on December 23, 2002 as a standing city committee.  The City of Missoula Public Art Committee was the first “City” Public Art Committee in the Montana.


Missoula's Public Art Committee is administered by a staff person at Arts Missoula, and consists of nine members serving four-year terms. Members shall be selected because of their expertise in historic preservation, visual arts, architecture, or affiliation with a local business association or public entity.

Six members will be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council. Two members will be appointed by the City Council. One member shall be a member of the City Council of Missoula.